Selling Your Property

First National Real Estate can help you sell your home quickly for the best possible price. Here are some tips that have proven to be invaluable to the successful home seller.

Looking to sell? Request an obligation free property appraisal.

First Impressions Are Lasting

From the moment prospects arrive at your home, it should be evident that the gardens and lawns are well presented. Garden rubbish should be disposed of and paths and porches kept clear of debris. Toys, sporting equipment and garden tools should be stored away to enhance the appearance of your backyard and garden.

A Tidy Home Ensures An Open For Inspection Is ‘Welcoming’

Your home should be kept neat and tidy during the period of inspections. The home should create an inviting atmosphere by ensuring the arrangement of furniture is in a comfortable position. Utilise fresh flowers, indoor plants or paintings as they always brighten up a home.

Repairs Can Make A Big Difference

Make sure that all minor repairs are completed. Sticking doors and windows, loose doorknobs, faulty plumbing, peeling paint or faulty flywire may affect your sale.

Let The Sun Shine In

It is imperative to let plenty of light into your home. Nothing improves atmosphere more than brightness. On a dull day it is advisable to switch lights on prior to the arrival of prospective purchasers.

Make Them Comfortable

A warm, comfortably heated home on cold days adds a feeling of cosiness. On a hot day don’t forget to turn on the air conditioning or fan (or simply let the breeze flow through).

Open For Inspections: Three Is A Crowd

Avoid having too many people present during inspections. First National Real Estate agents are familiar with and understand the buyer requirements and can therefore better emphasise the features of your home in line with buyer needs and priorities.

Music In The Air And Pets Underfoot

As a general rule, it is advisable to turn off the radio and television during an inspection (as they can be distracting). If you have pets, it is advisable to keep them out of the house. Let the First National Real Estate agent and potential buyer talk, free of disturbances.

Request a copy of our FREE Home Sellers Guide for information on selecting the right real estate agent, whether to go to auction, what your property is worth and understanding technical and legal terms.


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